Motivator: Novel metabolic role for BDNF in pancreatic β-cell insulin secretion
I’ll finish this some day…
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message=FALSE) library(tidyverse) library(data.table) library(mvtnorm) library(lmerTest) normal response niter <- 2000 n <- 9 treatment_levels <- c("cn", "high", "high_bdnf") insulin <- data.table(treatment = rep(treatment_levels, each=n)) X <- model.matrix(~ treatment, data=insulin) beta <- c(0,0,0) # no effects # the three responses are taken from the same cluster of cells and so have expected # correlation rho.
Fig 1C of the Replication Study: Melanoma exosomes educate bone marrow progenitor cells toward a pro-metastatic phenotype through MET uses an odd (to me) three stage normalization procedure for the quantified western blots. The authors compared blot values between a treatment (shMet cells) and a control (shScr cells) using GAPDH to normalize the values. The three stages of the normalization are
first, the value for the Antibody levels were normalized by the value of a reference (GAPDH) for each Set.