A skeletal response to a twitter question: “ANOVA (time point x group) or ANCOVA (group with time point as a covariate) for intervention designs? Discuss.” follow-up “Only 2 time points in this case (pre- and post-intervention), and would wanna basically answer the question of whether out of the 3 intervention groups, some improve on measure X more than others after the intervention” Here I compare five methods using fake pre-post data, including

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This is a skeletal post to work up an answer to a twitter question using Wright’s rules of path models. Using this figure from Panel A of a figure from Hernan and Cole. The scribbled red path coefficients are added the question is I want to know about A->Y but I measure A* and Y*. So in figure A, is the bias the backdoor path from A* to Y* through A and Y?

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Fig 1C of the Replication Study: Melanoma exosomes educate bone marrow progenitor cells toward a pro-metastatic phenotype through MET uses an odd (to me) three stage normalization procedure for the quantified western blots. The authors compared blot values between a treatment (shMet cells) and a control (shScr cells) using GAPDH to normalize the values. The three stages of the normalization are first, the value for the Antibody levels were normalized by the value of a reference (GAPDH) for each Set.

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Motivation: https://pubpeer.com/publications/8DF6E66FEFAA2C3C7D5BD9C3FC45A2#2 and https://twitter.com/CGATist/status/1175015246282539009 tl;dr: Given the transformation done by the authors, for any response in day_0 that is unusually small, there is automatically a response in day_14 that is unusually big and vice-versa. Consequently, if the mean for day_0 is unusually small, the mean for day_14 is automatically unusually big, hence the elevated type I error with an unpaired t-test. The transformation is necessary and sufficient to produce the result (meaning even in conditions where a paired t-test isn’t needed, the transformation still produces elevated Type I error).

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Set up Normal distribution Type I error Power Right skewed continuous – lognormal What the parameterizations look like Type I error Power This 1990-wants-you-back doodle explores the effects of a Normality Filter – using a Shapiro-Wilk (SW) test as a decision rule for using either a t-test or some alternative such as a 1) non-parametric Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon (MWW) test, or 2) a t-test on the log-transformed response.

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Some background (due to Sewall Wright’s method of path analysis) Given a generating model: \[\begin{equation} y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \beta_3 x_3 \end{equation}\] where \(x_3 = x_1 x_2\); that is, it is an interaction variable. The total effect of \(x_1\) on \(y\) is \(\beta_1 + \frac{\mathrm{COV}(x_1, x_2)}{\mathrm{VAR}(x_1)} \beta_2 + \frac{\mathrm{COV}(x_1, x_3)}{\mathrm{VAR}(x_1)} \beta_3\). If \(x_3\) (the interaction) is missing, its component on the total efffect is added to the coefficient of \(x_1\).

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R doodles. Some ecology. Some physiology. Much fake data.

Thoughts on R, statistical best practices, and teaching applied statistics to Biology majors.

Jeff Walker, Professor of Biological Sciences

University of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine, United States